About LabRATS:

The Laboratory Resources, Advocates, and Teamwork for Sustainability (LabRATS) Program at UCSB assists researchers on campus in reducing their impact on the environment while also improving safety, encouraging good laboratory management practices, and promoting communication and resource sharing. Our program is uniquely prepared to adapt campus recycling, energy management, and sustainability practices to the unusual materials used and processes implemented in laboratories.

two workers training in a lab

Program Leaders:

Jewel Persad - jewel.persad@ucsb.edu


LabRATS Interns


Mia Yamagiwa

LabRATS Laboratory Sustainability Coordinator



Mia Yamagiwa is a third year Chemical Engineering major who is passionate about finding innovative solutions to environmental problems, such as climate change and pollution. She joined LabRATS as an intern in Spring 2023, which allowed her to use her experience in chemistry laboratories to help campus researchers develop more sustainable practices. She hopes to pursue a career with an environmental focus, in fields such as renewable energy, environmental consulting, sustainable manufacturing, and environmental toxicology. In her free time, she enjoys spending time outdoors and being active.