
To request a purchase be made on an account that the Campus Sustainability Department currently manages, please fill out this form which will open in a new window/tab:

Purchasing DocuSign Form

Please don't edit the "Budget Person" section.

If you do not have an invoice, please fill out the full details in the Vendor section including address, contact info, and website. Provide enough detail in the itemized section for our purchasing staff to be able to identify and purchase the correct items for you. If you already have an invoice, you can write "Invoice attached" in the first row of the itemized section and put the pre-tax total at the end of the row. Add the tax amount and post-tax total at the end of the last column.

Please make sure that the justification describes how your purchase fits with the purpose of the funding you are seeking to spend funds on.

Please send any related invoices and backup documentation to Katie Maynard, kcmaynard@ucsb.edu. If the purchase is related to an event, please include an event flyer. If the purchase is for food, please include a list of people that will consume the food. For food distributions where purchasing needs to occur before you have student names, this can be provided after the fact. For advertising and artwork, please provide a copy of that.


To submit a hiring request in the Campus Sustainability Department, the Supervisor should fill out this form which will open in a new window/tab:

Personnel DocuSign Form

Please contact Katie Maynard, kcmaynard@ucsb.edu, with any questions.