The University of California, Santa Barbara is committed to taking actions today for a better tomorrow.



47% of Departments offer at least one course related to sustainability


Built Environment

UCSB has over 2 Million square feet of building space certified under the LEED rating system


Climate Change

Achieved 2020 GHG Reduction Target (1990 Levels)


Community Partnerships

At least 6 ongoing sustainability programs partner with the community


Economic Sustainability

TGIF and Coastal Fund give students the opportunity to learn about grant-making and to be their own funders



41% of all food purchases for the dining commons are locally grown or distributed


Landscape and Biotic Environment

Our landscapes filter stormwater



All equipment purchased is Energy Star (when an Energy Star option is available)


Social Equity

At least 6 ongoing sustainability programs partner with the community



7 Miles of Class 1 Bike Paths



69% Waste Diversion Rate


Last year potable water decreased 11% below UCSB’s three-year baseline (Fiscal Year 2005/06 through Fiscal Year 2007/08)