Chancellor’s Campus Sustainability Committee (CCSC)
This committee advises the Chancellor and campus administrators on matters of campus sustainability, makes recommendations on sustainability initiatives, helps prioritize and monitor the execution and progress of the campus sustainability plan toward our goals, makes recommendations on allocations of available funding resources, and provides guidance in the creation and fostering of alliances. The committee conducts an ongoing and thorough consultative process to solicit campus input in developing our vision to enhance our international leadership in this critically important area, using the Campus Sustainability Plan as a blueprint for our campus’s sustainability efforts.
Sustainable Transportation Committee
The Sustainable Transportation Committee (STC) provides recommendations to the Chancellor on the best ways to increase alternative commute modes for faculty, staff, and students, such as the use of flexible schedules, telecommuting, proximal housing, walking, bicycling, carpooling, vanpooling, and rail.
Waste and Procurement Committee
The University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) is committed to reducing resource waste and pollution through waste management programs and effective communication. This committee develops recommendation, communications, and programs that promote waste reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and repurposing.
Joint Sustainability Communications Committee
This is a joint environmental communications coalition with other UCSB departments and organizations working on environmental communications, the goal of the committee is to expand our bandwidth for outreach through collaboration and partnerships.
Climate Resiliency Committee
This group works to facilitate coordination, collaboration, and engagement in Climate Resiliency planning efforts on campus.
For committee inquiries, please contact Jewel Persad (