UCSB has a rich environmental culture. Students engage with many on-campus organizations that are affiliated with environmental justice, environmentalism, and/or sustainability. Below is a list of some of those organizations.

Glossary of Terms

Renewable Energy Initiative (REI)

Website: https://www.sustainability.ucsb.edu/rei
Email: andrew.riley@sa.ucsb.edu

The REI GB was formed in September 2010 as a consultative and decision making student-majority governance board with fiduciary responsibility for the total proceeds from the Renewal Energy Initiative student fee that was passed in spring 2010 and went into effect fall 2010.

Residence Hall Association (RHA)

Website: https://www.rhaucsb.com/
Email: ucsbeacc@gmail.com

UCSB’s Residence Halls Association is the student government which represents the students living in UCSB’s Residence Halls. The students we represent vary in demographic makeup, abilities, identities, affiliations and other characteristics, yet we all are inhabitants of this world and care deeply about the environment. As we currently comprise around 8,000 students, our energy-, water-, and resource-usage is quite large, which is why we strive to create systems, programs, and collaborations which help to reduce our carbon footprint and impact on this planet.