UCSB has a rich environmental culture. Students engage with many on-campus organizations that are affiliated with environmental justice, environmentalism, and/or sustainability. Below is a list of some of those organizations.

Glossary of Terms

Santa Barbara Student Housing Cooperative

Website: https://www.sbcoop.org/
Email: info@sbcoop.org

The purpose of the Santa Barbara Student Housing Co-op (SBSHC) is to provide low rent co-op housing regardless of gender, race, social, political, or religious affiliation, and thereby influencing the community to eliminate prejudice and discrimination in the community. SBSHC strives to engage in continuous educational programs that further the principles of cooperation through mutual, self-help living at a minimal cost. Members live sustainably through the direct sharing of everyday resources. From simply sharing one vacuum with eighteen people, to growing vegetables, to communal kitchens and bathrooms, living communally reduces energy and water consumption as well as the amount of everyday (often made of plastic) things that individuals use. SBSHC strives to keep rates affordable so sustainable living in accessible to everyone; the Co-op is run by a member-majority Board of Directors that meets approximately twice a month. E-coalition members should contact info@sbcoop.org if they’d like to be on the meeting agenda.