UCSB has a rich environmental culture. Students engage with many on-campus organizations that are affiliated with environmental justice, environmentalism, and/or sustainability. Below is a list of some of those organizations.

Glossary of Terms

Edible Campus Program

Website: https://www.sustainability.ucsb.edu/edible-campus   Facebook   Instagram
Email: kcmaynard@ucsb.edu

The Edible Campus Project aims to address local food insecurity by repurposing underutilized spaces for food production, turning waste into food, and engaging students as growers and producers. Co-led by the AS Department of Public Worms, AS Food Bank, and the UCSB Sustainability Program, this project empowers the campus community, especially students, to be responsible stewards and leaders of our food system. We train students in practices that address social, economic, and environmental aspects of sustainability and help them to reclaim their personal connection to the land and their food.

Current Projects

The following three different projects, which have been previously established, continue to be nurtured and sustained, producing 25,000 pounds of food a year that will be given to UCSB students through the AS Food Bank or other direct venues.

Engineers Without Borders (EWB)

Email: ewb.ucsbgauchos@gmail.com

Engineers Without Borders – UCSB is a student run organization that partners with disadvantaged communities to improve their quality of life. We do this through implementation of environmentally and economically sustainable engineering projects. We are a chapter of the much larger national organization, EWB – USA. As a part of this organization, it is our duty to form relationships with specific communities in need, and develop the necessary solutions to assist these communities. For example, we have two projects, one in Kenya and one in Rwanda. Our Kenya team is helping the local community gain access to clean water, while our Rwanda team is helping a village build a schoolhouse. Our organization is open to all majors!