UCSB has a rich environmental culture. Students engage with many on-campus organizations that are affiliated with environmental justice, environmentalism, and/or sustainability. Below is a list of some of those organizations.

Glossary of Terms

Food, Nutrition, & Basic Skills Program (FNBS)

Website: https://foodbank.as.ucsb.edu/food-nutrition-and-basic-skills/
Email: kcmaynard@ucsb.edu

Many students come into the university environment with little knowledge regarding food, particularly nutrition, food preparation, grocery shopping, and budgeting. Without these skills, students may become food insecure, skipping meals and eating poorly for the sake of cost or convenience. It is our hope that through education, we can help students to eat well and fulfill their full potential here at UCSB.

The program consists of a free series of workshops in four tracks: Cooking and Nutrition, Connecting to your Food, Budgeting and Planning and Kitchen Basics.

Any student that completes one workshop in each track will receive a free kitchen start up kit!