• Be sure to use only recycled content paper for all print needs (campus policy)
  • Set the default on the printer in your office to duplex
  • If you have printers that only print on one side, save any print jobs not needed and print on the back side of this paper (i.e. use the paper twice!)
  • Change the standard in your department to centralize printing and set the default to duplex (saves on energy, print cartridges, and encourage you to get up and move while at work!)
  • When you have the opportunity to purchase a printer, make sure it is EnergyStar rated
  • If you go outside your department to print brochures, request a waterless press, soy based inks, and paper has post-consumer recycled content  (and make sure that it is recyclable once the print job is complete!)
  • If you don’t already have a large bin in your department to collect office paper, request one today
  • Bulk order your paper, this saves on GHG emission and packing for delivery
  • Change from using overhead lighting in your office to task lighting at your desk (LED task lighting is even better and task lighting located lower in the room is better ergonomically!)
  • When you have the opportunity to fund a lighting work, request LED fixtures that into the same space/boxes typically seen across the campus
  • When you replace any flooring, use this as an opportunity to go with a recycled content carpet tile with low VOC’s (when someone  spills or stains the tile, you can pull it up and easily replace it with a new one!)
  • Change to green cleaning products – these are better for you and the environment! These are provided at no cost to campus departments by Facilities Management.

Green Cleaning Presentation

All custodial staff receive the Green Cleaning presentation during orientation and also receive program updates on a monthly basis during their safety meetings. The Green Cleaning presentation provides information on Green Seal certified cleaners, as well as information on sustainable operations at UCSB, to custodial staff. Examples of this include information on: zinc-free floor cleaners, reduced reliance on plastic bags, developing a low-environmental impact cleaning policy, recycled content paper towels, and waterless urinals.

Additional Resources

Safer Disinfectants On EPA's List of Recommended Antimicrobial Products For Use Against Novel Human Coronavirus