1. Introduction: (15-30min with Business Officer)
    • Overview of the program and the steps involved.
  2. Business Officer Interview: (30 min-1hr with Business Officer)
    • Questions in this stage will be geared toward departmental policies and programs. This will be completed through an interview or electronic survey.
  3. Data Collection:
    • PACES will collect measurable data related to: communications/training, energy, food, human health, purchasing, transportation, waste reduction and recycling, and water. Our methods include:
    • Building Occupant Survey: (5-10min) We will send out an electronic survey to all building occupants to fill out at their own convenience. The survey evaluates attitudes, behaviors, and understanding of current policies.
    • Building Walk-Through: (up to 1hr) We will walk through the department office space to observe lighting and space usage in addition to evaluating the criteria indicated in the PACES Scorecard.
    • Please note: If your department includes laboratories, we recommend you consider participating in an assessment with our partner organization, LabRATS (Laboratory Research and Technical Staff), whose program is geared towards lab spaces.
  4. Presentation: (30min-1hr)
    • Once data from the audit is compiled and summarized, PACES will offer a brief presentation on our findings and recommendations for department staff, faculty, and students. During the presentation, we will solicit feedback on goals and initiatives that the audience would like the department to commit to and that they, as building occupants, want to commit to.
  5. Climate and Sustainability Action Plan:
    • PACES will draft a sustainability and climate action plan to help the department reduce its environmental impact. Goals and priorities brainstormed in the presentation will be included. The plan will not be put into effect until the department reviews, modifies, and approves the plan through the appropriate channels, as determined by the department.
  6. Follow-up (Optional)
    • We will deliver shortened surveys to the department in one year’s time to gauge effectiveness of the program.