This is not an exhaustive list of steps that you can take as a department to make sure that your office space is as sustainable as possible, but this is a great place to start!
Contact the PACES team for an in-depth assessment of your department or for more information!
- Maximize use of natural light by turning off overhead lights when not in use.
- Plug electronics into a power strip and turn them off when not in use.
- Enable energy-saving measures on 75% of departmental computers including Sleep, Power-Save, and Hibernation during the day, and turning off devices at the end of the day.
- Implement centralized printer and refrigerator spaces to limit the number of personal appliances.
- Keep printers and copy machines away from kitchens and food preparation areas.
- Have an old refrigerator? Replace it through the Refrigerator Rebate Program!
- Establish a “First In, First Out” policy regarding cleaners and other chemicals.
- Inform department staff where the nearest Hydration Station is located.
- Add a filtered water dispenser in the office kitchen to allow staff to refill reusable water bottles.
- Report any leaks to Facilities and turn off all faucets when not in use to reduce water use.
- Print double-sided to reduce paper waste.
- Properly sort recyclable, compostable, and landfill waste. Questions? Contact PACES or AS Recycling for more information.
- Implement signage on all bins. Download printable versions!
- Know where your closest e-waste collection bin is located and dispose of materials properly.
- Contact AS Recycling to establish an e-waste bin in your building!
- Purchase office supplies with products made from recycled materials.
- Ensure products are given third-party certifications such as Green Seal, ENERGY STAR, EPEAT, or Safer Choice.
- Contact Facilities Management for free green cleaning supplies!
- Utilize the Sustainable Furniture Guide (coming soon!) when purchasing office furniture.
- Use reusable rags and towels instead of disposable paper towels.
- Use reusable mugs, containers, and cutlery in the kitchen/break room.
- Encourage departmental staff to use alternative transportation options by promoting carpooling, Zipcar, or public transportation.
- TAP Commuter Options have benefits such as complimentary parking, discounted monthly MTD passes, and up to 6 days of complimentary campus parking each quarter.
- Utilize the Business Travel Assessment to reduce the environmental impact of travel.
- If your department hosts events, buy organic or locally produced food.
- Look for certifications such as Certified Humane, Fair Trade Certified, or USDA Organic.
- Include vegetarian or vegan options on the menu, and use, donate, or compost leftover food.
- Provide beverages in bulk and encourage guests to bring reusable cups and cutlery to reduce waste.
- For campus events, ask your Campus Catering sales representative to confirm adherence to these guidelines!
- Develop a sustainability plan/policy for your department.
- Host sustainability training events or informational sessions (contact PACES!).
- Solicit feedback from department occupants on sustainability efforts.