
Earth Science and Environmental Studies

Professor Clark's research focuses on topics in the field of aqueous geochemistry. By analyzing anthropogenic and natural tracers in bodies of water, Professor Clark is able to study how flow patterns affect the quality of water, the transfer of water, and gas exchange across the air-water interface. His current research projects include the chemical evolution of shallow groundwater, groundwater flow near managed aquifer recharge sites, stream/ground water interactions, and groundwater flow in the upper ocean crust on the flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. In the past, he has also examined the fate of methane near shallow hydrocarbon seeps.

Earth Research Institute
Marine Science Institute

Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology

Dr. Cooper's research has been centered on the factors that determine the abundances and distributions of aquatic organisms. Past research foci have included the impacts of acid deposition, livestock grazing, pollution, climate change, exotic species, and native species loss on freshwater ecosystems. Currently, much of his work revolves around the effects of land use changes, fire, and forestry practices on streams in California, and on the ecology and conservation of steelhead populations in southern California.

Marine Science Institute

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

Dr. Dunne’s research has focused on issues related to natural hazards and resource management. His current research interests include hydrology, sediment transport, and river channel change in lowland floodplains in California and the Amazon basin. Related activities include studies of how physical and biological processes interact to create and maintain habitat for fish and their food sources in the Merced River, CA, and how flow regulation in the San Joaquin River, CA, interacts with natural environmental conditions to affect water temperatures and spawning habitat.

Earth Research Institute

Dr. Florsheim’s research focuses on sediment dynamics in fluvial systems and emphasizes interactions between geomorphic processes, climate, humans, and ecosystems. Current investigations include a field study to understand long and short-term recovery of chaparral environments in southern California following wildfire and quantification of a sediment budget in a coastal watershed in central California. Recent work focuses on channel incision and bank erosion (northern California), travertine morphology (China), and effects of climate variation and change (Central Valley).

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

Dr. Keller's research focuses on the sustainable use of chemicals and materials in our modern society by understanding and quantifying their potential impacts and by seeking ways to minimize impacts while achieving the benefits. He is particularly interested in emerging materials such as nanoparticles and biochemicals, for which little information is available. He also does work at large scales to design better management strategies for common chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides.

American Chemical Society
American Geophysical Union
Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry


Professor Loaiciga’s research focuses on planning, designing, and analyzing water resource systems, as well as on the computational aspects of surface and groundwater hydrology. He is currently looking at groundwater and earthquake hazards, as well as sea level rise and its effect on coastal freshwater aquifers. He is also working on the development of sustainable water and energy use through seawater desalination with solar energy.

Marine Science Institute

Craig Nelson’s research includes projects studying the microbiomes of humans and other animals and studying bacterial pathogens in natural water in the context of water quality.

Environmental Studies

Dr. Stratton has been the Director of Ecosystem Management for UCSB's Cheadle Center for Biodiversity and Ecological Restoration (CCBER) since 2005. As the manager of 340 acres of open space on campus, including the 136 acre North Campus Open Space Restoration Project, she has been active in pursuing opportunities to help campus adapt to climate change and sea level rise while also working to improve water quality and provide habitat through bioswales and treatment wetlands. In conjunction with students, Dr. Stratton and CCBER conduct research on water quality, hydrology, endangered plants, and biological diversity which provide evidence for the benefits of these features. Interpretive signs throughout campus, several courses (Restoration Field Skills and Conservation and Restoration Ecology Seminar Series) and web site material make their work available to a broader audience.

Earth Research Institute

Bren School of Environmental Science & Management

Dr. Tague studies ecohydrology. Her work examines climate and land use change impacts in the terrestrial Environment by combining observed data with computer-based spatial models. She is currently investigating the impacts of climate change on ecosystem services and water resources in mountain regions, including the Western US, the European Alps, the Pyrenees, and select locations in China. Her work also examines how forest management practices and land development or urbanization alters biogeochemical cycling and water availability for watersheds throughout the US.

Association of American Geographers
American Geophysical Union
Ecological Society of America

Environmental Studies and Bren School of Environmental Studies & Management

Dr. Wilkinson's research is focused on water and energy policy with regards to climate change. He has analyzed US freshwater management policies, California water supply management, and climate change adaptation strategies.