Turning Off the Tap - Benioff Ocean Initiative launches a new effort to stop plastic waste from entering the ocean
Turning Emissions into Plastics - Bren scientist details a revolutionary approach to storing and using carbon, and the impressive effort it will take to achieve
A Sense of Urgency - Gift from philanthropist Wendy Schmidt launches fellowship program to promote research aimed at solving environmental problems
Getting Hotter Underwater - UC Santa Barbara ecologist finds that marine animals are more vulnerable to global warming than those on land
How Plastic Production Is Affecting Our Climate and Oceans
Ecosystems of Oil - Earth science professor at UC Santa Barbara will discuss the communities that form around oil seeps off the California coast
Plastic’s Carbon Footprint - Researchers conduct first global assessment of the lifecycle of greenhouse gas emissions from plastics
Clean Machine - Can Christina Ramirez ’07 purify our polluted oceans with a toothbrush?
Play it Cool - The month-long Cool Campus Challenge is a friendly UC-wide competition to take action in the name of the earth
Drought in Sierra Streams - Researchers assess the impacts of drought and climate change on small mountain streams
Coral Spa Treatment - Corals in warmer latitudes appear more resilient to bleaching, a surprise to scientists
Out of the Deep Blue - Surprise finds help researchers place elusive fish into a broader context
Wildlife Loss in Our Oceans - In 2019 Plous Lecture, Douglas McCauley will examine changes humans and technology are bringing to the oceans
Warm Seas Scatter Fish - Climate change is shifting productivity of fisheries worldwide
An underwater wall: the solution to sea level rise?
Water Guardians - Jim Taylor supports Bren students addressing environmental challenges
The Olefin in the Room - Members of academia, national labs and industry take on one of the world’s most pressing challenges at a polymer upcycling workshop
Environment @ UC Santa Barbara - A new website promises to further connect the environmental science community across campus
A whopping 91% of plastic isn't recycled
Market Solutions to Environmental Problems - A new lab will combine environmental science and economics to address some of the world’s most pressing problems
How To Live More Sustainably as a UCSB Student
Grow On, Now - Alumni, donors Kim and Jack Johnson help UC Santa Barbara break ground on its student farm, culminating years of effort
Turning Waste into Energy - Chemical engineer Michelle O'Malley's research of animals' gut microbes could enable discovery of new sustainable fuels
Share and Share A Bike - With 300 bikes in circulation and 300 more coming, UCSB ramps up its bikeshare program; pilot project intended to go regional
New Frontiers - Engineering faculty members receive Department of Energy research grants to advance the future of energy